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The Wonder of Wonders

Last night, as I lay in bed, I began to hear a song in my mind that I’ve heard many times. It was written by the late great George Beverly Shea. The chorus says, “O, the wonder of it all! The wonder of it all! Just to think that God loves me.” I have been a believer for over 50 years and the wonder of what God did is still there. It will never grow old. As I continued to think and absorb the grace of God, my mind went to the scene that took place about 290 days before Christmas. That scene is recorded in Luke the first chapter starting with verse 26. An angel by the name of Gabriel is sent to a young lady who is a virgin and engaged to a man named Joseph. Her name was Mary. Gabriel tells Mary twice in the next few verses that she is favored by God and should not be afraid. He tells her something that had never happened before nor will ever happen again. The Holy Spirit would come upon her and she would conceive a child, a son, and His name would be Jesus.

This is the wonder of wonders. That God would send His only Son to earth. That Jesus would leave the glory and splendor of heaven to come to an earth that was corrupted by sin. Not only that, but He would live here as a man. He would empty Himself of all His godliness and live like a man. Jesus would experience things that God had never experienced. Things like the temptation of sin, limitations of the human body such as tiredness, hunger, and thirst. Jesus would do all this without sinning so He could be a sacrifice for sinful man. The wonder of wonders. He would take into Himself all the sin of mankind on a cross. He would hang there with the shame and sin of mankind on Himself. The Son of God did this. His story would not end there. He would be buried but rise again in three days. He would appear to mankind on earth and then ascend into heaven and take His seat at the right hand of God. He did that for us. What a wonderful wonder!

Some would say, why do you believe that? Why do I believe in something that had never happened before and will never happen again? Because it happened to me. The wonder of wonders has happened in the lives of every believer. Romans 8:11 tells us, “But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you.” I know that the wonder of wonders is real because He changed me. He brought me with Him in His death and resurrection. When I believed, the same Holy Spirit that impregnated Mary came on the inside of me and you. Think about it. The wonder of wonders has happened and is happening in you now.

I see the wonder of wonders happening in you when you share His love with others. Every time you do something as simple as giving a cup of water to the thirsty, the wonder of wonders is happening. Every time you give of yourself, the wonder of wonders is shining as a light in this dark world.

In this holiday season, our prayer for you and ourselves is that people will see the wonder of wonders in us.

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